Valid's code of Ethics and Conduct reflects our commitment to ethics, honesty, integrity and respect in all relationships with our employees, customers, partners and shareholders. If there is any situation that could harm our company, please report it. Your identity will be kept completely confidential. Valid's Code of Ethics and Conduct reflects our commitment to ethics, honesty, integrity, and respect in all relationships with our employees, clients, partners, and shareholders. If you become aware of any situation that could harm our company, please report it. Your identity will be kept in total confidentiality.
At Valid, we do not tolerate any form of corruption, bribery, or kickbacks, whether direct or indirect, and we comply with all anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws, as applicable, as well as with local regulations applicable to our business in each country where we operate. Valid's Global Anti-Corruption Policy establishes all guidelines aimed at preventing, detecting, and responding to illicit acts, including but not limited to fraud and acts of corruption in general or against the Public Administration, and must be observed by all employees as well as third parties within the scope of their activities with Valid.