
We deliver trusted connectivity and guarantee interoperability to:

Mobile Operators

Delivering state-of-art secure mobile services to mobile operators and connectivity providers.

Device Makers

Supporting OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) in deploying cutting-edge secure & interoperable mobile services.

IoT Connectivity

Empowering IoT service providers and module makers to excel in their IoT connectivity implementations.

Mobile Operators

Delivering state-of-art secure mobile services to
mobile operators and connectivity providers.

Protect your network with a secure and scalable framework fully accredited by GSMA

Benefit from the fastest deployment options available in the market, increasing your time to value

Cover your traditional and digital businesses with the highest level of support and guaranteed interoperability

Device Makers

Supporting OEMs in deploying cutting-edge secure
& interoperable mobile services

Reduce your bill of materials (BOM) with improved product design and size

Enhance the connectivity with higher flexibility and guaranteed interoperability

Integrate a future-proof secure Operating System to your mobile services

IoT Connectivity

Empowering IoT service providers and module makers
to excel in their IoT connectivity implementations

Experience the latest IoT Consumer architecture and enhanced reliability

Tailor your IoT connectivity with your preferred provisioning method

Ensure heightened security with a constantly refreshed secure OS

Your trusted partner for secure and interoperable mobile services

We are focused on delivering secure connectivity and guaranteeing interoperability through our innovative trusted connectivity solutions.

Learn more


Connected devices use Valid’s technology


Remote SIM Provisioning Platforms deployed worldwide

Top 5

largest SIM manufactures around the world

Ícone segurança

Trusted Connectivity

Empowering seamless

Logo Valid


More than 1200 customers around the world trust our solutions


O que nossos clientes têm a dizer

Ícone aspas

"Em parceria com a Valid, temos grandes projetos com foco na transformação digital do Estado do Paraná, como a emissão de CNH e o reconhecimento facial nas escolas públicas."

Rafael Benvenutti

Gerente de Portfólio e Parcerias de Negócio Celepar

Ícone aspas

O Governo do Piauí acredita muito na transformação digital. A Valid é a nossa parceira para fazer a identificação digital de todos os cidadãos do Piauí.

Rafael Fonteles

Governador do Estado do Piauí

Ícone aspas

Observando o case de sucesso da Estônia, através da parceria com a Valid, tivemos maior clareza para o planejamento de uma estratégia com foco na transformação digital.”

Fabrício Barbosa

Secretário (AM) e Presidente do Consad

Ícone aspas

Aqui no ES, em parceria com a Valid, estamos digitalizando todo o acervo da Polícia Civil e avançamos para emitir a identidade digital de todos capixabas.

Alexandre Ofranti

Ex-Sec. de Estado da Segurança Pública e Defesa Social do ES

Talks to our experts

Schedule a Meeting

Our team is available to discuss your needs.

Solutions for Mobile Operators

Solutions for Device Makers

Solutions for IoT Connectivity

White Papers

The Future of PoS Devices: How PoS makers and service providers can benefit from in-built eSIM PoS devices

Download our White Paper to get to know the advantages of using eSIM technology in PoS terminals and is designed to help product managers and business development teams understand the potential of this technology.
